MSK EngineToggle
Vehicle Engine Toggle On/Off
- The engine keeps running if you leave the vehicle without turning the engine off.
- You can set that the engine starts automatically when entering a vehicle.
- You can set a Command and Hotkey (RegisterKeyMapping).
- Set your own Notification and Progressbar.
- If you set Config.VehicleKeyChain to true then only the Owner of the Vehicle or someone with a Key can start the Engine!
- Admin Command to start/stop the engine without a Key (Bypass)
- Whitelist for models and plates that do not need a Key to start/stop the engine
- Save the Angel of the Steering Wheel (Synced)
- Hotwire Function in compatibility with VehicleKeyChain
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'de'
Config.Debug = false
Config.VersionChecker = true
-- If Standalone then you have to add your own code for the Hotwire Feature
-- You can use this Feature anyway
Config.Framework = 'ESX' -- 'ESX', 'QBCore' or 'Standalone'
-- !!! This function is clientside AND serverside !!!
Config.Notification = function(source, message, typ)
if IsDuplicityVersion() then -- serverside
exports.msk_core:Notification(source, 'Engine', message, typ)
else -- clientside
exports.msk_core:Notification('Engine', message, typ)
Config.Command = {
enable = true, -- If you set to false then the Hotkey won't work !!!
command = 'engine'
Config.Hotkey = {
enable = true, -- Set false if you don't want to use a Hotkey
key = 'M'
Config.AdminCommand = {
enable = true, -- Start/Stop Engine if you don't have a key for that vehicle
command = 'adengine',
groups = {'superadmin', 'admin'}
Config.EngineOnAtEnter = false -- Set to true to toggle the engine automatically on when entering a vehicle
-- Set to true to start the engine from the second seat (Co-Driver)
-- Someone has to be on the Driver Seat, otherwise it won't work!
-- If VehicleKeys is activated, the Co-Driver needs a key.
Config.EngineFromSecondSeat = false
-- Vehicle Key System - set true then only the Owner of the Vehicle or someone with a Key can start the Engine
-- VehicleKeyChain:
-- vehicles_keys:
Config.VehicleKeys = {
enable = false,
script = 'VehicleKeyChain' -- Set to 'VehicleKeyChain' or 'vehicles_keys'
Config.SaveSteeringAngle = true
Config.SaveAngleOnExit = 75 -- default: F - 75 (Exit Vehicle)
Config.PerformanceVersion = false -- true = no sync but more performance
Config.RefreshTime = 5 -- in seconds // Refreshing SteeringAngle all 5 seconds
-- With this feature you can set vehicles and plates for which you don't need a key to start the engine
-- either exact plates or just a string that should be in the vehicles plate e.g. "ESX" will ignore te plate "ESX1234" too
Config.Whitelist = {
vehicles = {
-- "nero2",
-- "zentorno",
plates = {
-- "ESX",
-- "MSK",
Config.EnableLockpick = true -- Set false if you want to deactivate this feature
Config.progressBar = function(time, message)
exports.msk_core:ProgressStart(time, message)
Config.LockpickHotkey = {
enable = false, -- Set to true if you want to use a Hotkey
command = 'lockpickvehicle',
key = 'L'
Config.LockpickSettings = {
item = 'lockpick', -- Set the item that you want to use
removeItem = true, -- Set true if you like to remove item after failing lockpicking
startEngine = true, -- Set true if you want to start the engine after successfull lockpicking
Config.Probability = {
lockpick = 66, -- default: 66%
alarm = 33, -- default: 33%
enableSearchKey = true, -- Set false if you dont want this
searchKey = 66 -- default: 66%
Config.ProgessBar = {
enable = true, -- Set true if you want to show a progressbar
time = 8 -- In seconds // Time how long does it takes
Config.Animation = {
InsideOutsideAnimation = true, -- Set to false if you want same Animation for inside and outside
generalAnimation = 'WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING',
insideVehicle = { -- Animation inside Vehicle
dict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@',
anim = 'machinic_loop_mechandplayer'
outsideVehicle = { -- Animation outside Vehicle
dict = 'anim@amb@clubhouse@tutorial@bkr_tut_ig3@',
anim = 'machinic_loop_mechandplayer'
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- No Requirements needed
All exports are CLIENTSIDE. Look at the Documentation for more information.
- toggleEngine -> Toggles the engine on/off
- toggleHotwire -> Starts the Hotwire Feature
- getEngineState -> Get the current Enginestate of the vehicle
- setVehicleDamaged -> Set the vehicle undrivable (Can't start/stop engine)
- getVehicleDamaged -> Get the vehicle is undrivable