Simple AI Taxi
- You can call a taxi with a command
- You can abort the taxi with a command and hotkey
- You can set multiple Spawnpoints for the taxi
- You can change the Drivingstyle and Speedzones
- You can set different pedmodels with name and voice
- You can set the price
- The Taxi will change the speed on specified speedzones
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'de'
Config.VersionChecker = true
-- !!! This function is clientside AND serverside !!!
Config.Notification = function(source, message, typ)
if IsDuplicityVersion() then -- serverside
exports.msk_core:Notification(source, 'AI Taxi', message, typ)
else -- clientside
exports.msk_core:Notification('AI Taxi', message, typ)
-- You'll need esx_addonaccount for that!
Config.Society = {
enable = false, -- Set false if you don't want that the Price will be added to a society account
account = 'society_taxi'
-- If you deactivate the command, you can still use the export: exports.msk_aitaxi:callTaxi()
Config.Command = {
enable = true,
command = 'callTaxi'
Config.AbortTaxiDrive = {
enable = true,
command = 'abortTaxi',
hotkey = 'X'
-- You can set multiple spawn points
Config.SpawnCoords = {
vector4(902.85, -143.56, 76.6, 322.2),
Config.DrivingStyle = 786731 -- default: 786731 //
Config.SpeedType = 3.6 -- kmh = 3.6 // mph = 2.236936
Config.SpeedZones = {
-- Speed of the Taxi in specific zones
[2] = 100, -- City / main roads
[10] = 60, -- Slow roads
[64] = 60, -- Off road
[66] = 150, -- Freeway
[82] = 150, -- Freeway tunnels
Config.Price = {
base = 20, -- Price for driving to your position
tick = 0.15, -- Price per tick
tickTime = 50,
color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255},
position = {height = 0.90, width = 0.50}
-- It will use a random vehicle and random pedmodel from the list below
Config.Taxi = {
vehicles = {
-- You can set different models
pedmodels = {
-- You can set different models
{name = 'Michael Reynold', model = 'a_m_y_stlat_01', voice = 'A_M_M_EASTSA_02_LATINO_FULL_01'},
{name = 'John Smith', model = 'a_m_y_smartcaspat_01', voice = 'A_M_M_EASTSA_02_LATINO_FULL_01'},
Alles anzeigen
- Not in use: 0.00ms
- In use: ~0.06ms
Optional Requirements
- esx_addonaccount - (This is optional)