[ESX] MSK Banking | Advanced Bankingsystem

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  • Tebex [16.00€ + VAT] - Encrypted

    Tebex [30.00€ + VAT] - Only Serverside Encrypted


    Config Preview

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    • Create your first main account
    • Create a second account
    • Create society accounts (integrated System or Addon_Account) [in config.lua]
    • Invoices
    • Investment
    • Transactionshistory
    • Animation at the ATMs [set atm models in config.lua]
    • Deposit, Withdraw and Transfer money
    • Transfer money via Accountnumber not via PlayerID [offline Transfer]
    • NPCs or Marker at the Bank [toggleable in config.lua]
    • Bankcard item needed to access a ATM [buyable at the Bank]
    • Set different locations for a Bank with a few options [look at the config.lua]
    • You can set the ranks that have access to the society account [in config.lua]
    • Set the Notification you want to use
    • Set Custom Banner for the NativeUI Menu
    • Discord Logs [deposit, withdraw, transfer, create or delete account, change accountnumber]


    Optional Requirements

    • esx_addonaccount
    • esx_billing
    • myBilling
    • okokBilling
  • ZAP-Hosting Gameserver and Webhosting
  • Update v3.4

    ➥Added ATM Robbery

    Update v3.5

    ➥ Fixed Error (SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_addonaccount/server/main.lua:18: table index is nil)

    Updated Documentation so please update the ESX files!!!

    Update v3.5.1

    ➥ Fixed Error (SCRIPT ERROR: ?:-1 attempt to index a nil value (field 'integer index'))

    ➥ Fixed stuck in Animation at ATMs if you don't have a Bankaccount

    ➥ Added new EventHandler to the Documentation

  • Update v3.5.2

    ➥ Some Bugfixes

  • New Youtube Video Preview:

    Externer Inhalt www.youtube.com
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    Durch die Aktivierung der externen Inhalte erklärst du dich damit einverstanden, dass personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt werden. Mehr Informationen dazu haben wir in unserer Datenschutzerklärung zur Verfügung gestellt.

  • Update v3.5.3

    ➥ Fixed NativeUI Memory Leak (resmon goes higher and higher after opening the Bank or ATM Menu a few times)

  • Trade Republic

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