RegisterServerEvent('eden_garage:debug') RegisterServerEvent('eden_garage:deletevehicle_sv') RegisterServerEvent('eden_garage:modifystate') RegisterServerEvent('eden_garage:pay') RegisterServerEvent('eden_garage:payhealth') RegisterServerEvent('eden_garage:logging') ESX = nil TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) -- Vehicle fetch -- ORIGINAL --[[ESX.RegisterServerCallback('eden_garage:getVehicles', function(source, cb) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) local vehicules = {} MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner=@identifier', { ['@identifier'] = xPlayer.getIdentifier() }, function(data) for _, v in pairs(data) do local vehicle = json.decode(v.vehicle) table.insert(vehicules, { vehicle = vehicle, state = v.state, plate = v.plate }) end cb(vehicules) end) end)]] -- EDITED BY MUSIKER15 ESX.RegisterServerCallback('eden_garage:getVehicles', function(source, cb) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) local vehicules = {} MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @identifier AND job = @job', { ['@identifier'] = xPlayer.identifier, ['@job'] = 'civ' }, function(data) for _,v in pairs(data) do local vehicle = json.decode(v.vehicle) table.insert(vehicules, { vehicle = vehicle, state = v.state, plate = v.plate }) end cb(vehicules) end) end) -- End vehicle fetch -- Store & update vehicle properties ESX.RegisterServerCallback('eden_garage:stockv', function(source, cb, vehicleProps) local isFound = false local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) local vehicules = getPlayerVehicles(xPlayer.getIdentifier()) local plate = vehicleProps.plate print(plate) for _, v in pairs(vehicules) do if (plate == plate) then local vehprop = json.encode(vehicleProps) MySQL.Sync.execute('UPDATE owned_vehicles SET vehicle=@vehprop WHERE plate=@plate', { ['@vehprop'] = vehprop, ['@plate'] = plate }) isFound = true break end end cb(isFound) end) AddEventHandler('eden_garage:deletevehicle_sv', function(vehicle) TriggerClientEvent('eden_garage:deletevehicle_cl', -1, vehicle) end) -- End vehicle store -- Change state of vehicle AddEventHandler('eden_garage:modifystate', function(vehicle, state) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) local vehicules = getPlayerVehicles(xPlayer.getIdentifier()) local state = state local plate = vehicle.plate print('UPDATING STATE...') if plate ~= nil then print('plate') plate = plate:gsub('^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') print(plate) else print('vehicle') print(vehicle) end for _, v in pairs(vehicules) do if v.plate == plate then MySQL.Sync.execute('UPDATE owned_vehicles SET state =@state WHERE plate=@plate', { ['@state'] = state, ['@plate'] = plate }) print('STATE UPDATED...') break end end end) -- End state update -- Function to recover plates deprecated and removed. -- Get list of vehicles already out ESX.RegisterServerCallback('eden_garage:getOutVehicles', function(source, cb) local _source = source local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source) local vehicules = {} MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner=@identifier AND state=false', { ['@identifier'] = xPlayer.getIdentifier() }, function(data) for _, v in pairs(data) do local vehicle = json.decode(v.vehicle) table.insert(vehicules, vehicle) end cb(vehicules) end) end) -- End out list -- Check player has funds ESX.RegisterServerCallback('eden_garage:checkMoney', function(source, cb) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) if xPlayer.getMoney() >= Config.Price then cb(true) else cb(false) end end) -- End funds check -- Withdraw money AddEventHandler('eden_garage:pay', function() local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) xPlayer.removeMoney(Config.Price) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('you_paid', Config.Price)) end) -- End money withdraw -- Find player vehicles function getPlayerVehicles(identifier) local vehicles = {} local data = MySQL.Sync.fetchAll('SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner=@identifier', { ['@identifier'] = identifier }) for _, v in pairs(data) do local vehicle = json.decode(v.vehicle) table.insert(vehicles, { id =, plate = v.plate }) end return vehicles end -- End fetch vehicles -- Debug AddEventHandler('eden_garage:debug', function(var) print(to_string(var)) end) function table_print(tt, indent, done) done = done or {} indent = indent or 0 if type(tt) == 'table' then local sb = {} for key, value in pairs(tt) do table.insert(sb, string.rep(' ', indent)) -- indent it if type(value) == 'table' and not done[value] then done[value] = true table.insert(sb, '{\n') table.insert(sb, table_print(value, indent + 2, done)) table.insert(sb, string.rep(' ', indent)) -- indent it table.insert(sb, '}\n') elseif 'number' == type(key) then table.insert(sb, string.format('\'%s\'\n', tostring(value))) else table.insert(sb, string.format('%s = \'%s\'\n', tostring(key), tostring(value))) end end return table.concat(sb) else return tt .. '\n' end end function to_string(tbl) if 'nil' == type(tbl) then return tostring(nil) elseif 'table' == type(tbl) then return table_print(tbl) elseif 'string' == type(tbl) then return tbl else return tostring(tbl) end end -- End debug -- Return all vehicles to garage (state update) on server restart AddEventHandler('onMySQLReady', function() MySQL.Sync.execute('UPDATE owned_vehicles SET state=true WHERE state=false', {}) end) -- End vehicle return -- Pay vehicle repair cost AddEventHandler('eden_garage:payhealth', function(price) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) if price < 0 then print('CHEATER?') else xPlayer.removeMoney(price) TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('you_paid', price)) end end) -- End repair cost -- Log to the console AddEventHandler('eden_garage:logging', function(logging) RconPrint(logging) end) -- End console log